Lord of the Dance
Gardaí remove image database of ‘persons of interest’ in connection with Dublin riots

Gardaí remove image database of ‘persons of interest’ in connection with Dublin riots

A PUBLIC database of images of people gardaí wanted to speak to in connection with the riots that erupted in Dublin last year has been removed.

Earlier this month the police force published 99 images of ‘persons of interest’ to their ongoing investigation and urged the public to help identify them.

They experienceD a “significant response” to their appeal and quickly began to remove images as and when the person in the picture was identified.

This week the force has confirmed that they have now identified 90 of those people and have consequently removed the entire image database from the public domain.

“On November 19, 2024, An Garda Síochána published CCTV images of 99 ‘Persons of Interest’ on the Garda website,” they explained.

“The purpose of the publication was to identify these 99 ‘Persons of Interest’ to either rule each individual ‘in or out’ of and progress the criminal investigative process.

“To date, nominations have been received in respect of over 90 of the images of ‘Persons of Interest’,” they added.

“As such, An Garda Síochána has removed all remaining images from the Garda website.

“The investigation team will continue to consider how to progress and identify the small number of remaining ‘person of interest’ cases.”

The police force went on to state that it is “not confirming at this time” the role of any individual identified in the images.

“It should not be presumed that a nomination/identification means criminal involvement in these events,” they added.