Gardaí investigate threat made to Taoiseach’s family

Gardaí investigate threat made to Taoiseach’s family

GARDAÍ are investigating a threat made against Taoiseach Simon Harris in a social media post over the weekend.

The post, which referred to the Taoiseach and his family and was published on Instagram, is now the subject of an investigation the police force has confirmed.

Responding to the incident, Mr Harris said there would be “no place” for those who make online threats to hide.

“I do not comment on matters relating to my personal security or that of my family but more broadly I do want to make a few comments on trends we have been seeing,” he said in a statement.

“The laws of the land apply to people online just as much as offline,” he added.

“There can be no hiding place for anyone seeking to threaten, attack or harm people or to incite others to do so.”

Taoiseach Simon Harris has been the focus of repeated threats

Since becoming Taoiseach in April, Mr Harris has been the focus of a series of threats.

Groups of people have gathered near his home in recent months while in June a bomb threat was made on the property.

“Politicians have become a regular target, and it is on the brink of being viewed as acceptable or a normal part of the job,” the Taoiseach said this week.

“It is not acceptable. I get up every day and go to work and work as hard as I can.

“So do most politicians I know from all parties, and none.

“Constant efforts to target us, demean us or dehumanise us should never be accepted, never be normalised, and always called out.”

Mr Harris has confirmed that threats made against him would not stop him from doing his job.

“I will never be deterred from doing my job as Taoiseach,” he said.

“Men and women of An Garda Síochána do us proud every day in their work and I thank them for that,” he added.

“I thank the people right across this country for their kindness and decency - it means the world to me and my family.”