A GUINNESS Easter Egg which contains 5% alcohol has been criticised by an industry watchdog amid fears it could encourage children to start drinking.
The Guinness Dark Chocolate Egg, which first appeared on shelves last year alongside the Baileys Salted Caramel Egg, comes with eight 'pints'-- mini dark and white chocolates with a Guinness flavoured centre in the iconic Guinness pint shape.

The egg has come under fire from national charity Alcohol Action Ireland for being advertised on supermarket shelves beside children's easter eggs rather than in the beer, wines and spirits section.
Alcohol Action Ireland have slammed the decision for 'reaching out' to children with its marketing, with a spokesperson for the watchdog telling The Irish Mirror:
"This is how future drinkers are enrolled.
"The alcohol industry is adept at attaching its products to all social occasions and this insidious reach towards children is deeply regrettable."
A spokesperson for Diageo, however, insists that the product has been designed, positioned and marketed towards adults.
"Our licensed partners take every care with the products," the spokeswoman told The Irish Mirror.
"They are clearly designed and positioned as an adult offering."
The box contains the Guinness logo and professes the volume of alcohol to be 5%.
The package also states that "this product is intended for purchase and enjoyment by people of legal purchase age for alcohol beverages."
It reminds people to "Please remember to drink Guinness responsibly."