First ever national plan to ‘normalise Irish language’ in Ireland revealed

First ever national plan to ‘normalise Irish language’ in Ireland revealed

THE Irish Government has published a plan that sets out their framework to create an entirely bilingual public service by 2030.

The National Plan for Irish Language Public Services 2024-2030 was released this week.

It is the first of its kind in the history of the Irish state and it will be a central element of the nation’s intended move towards a bilingual public service.

Prepared by the Irish Language Services Advisory Committee, the six-year strategy will be implemented through two three-year action plans, the first of which is due to be published in the coming months, following government approval.

Minister Byrne launched the plan at Government Buildings

“I am very proud to publish the first-ever National Plan for Irish Language Public Services which sets out the vision of a bilingual public service, together with the measures to be undertaken to realise it,” Minister for the Gaeltacht Catherine Martin said.

“Its five strategic themes bolster each other and together will improve the quality and level of public services provided through Irish to the public, in keeping of course with the primary objective of the amended language legislation.”

The plan announcement also included confirmation on the formation of an Advisory Committee on the Irish Language in the Digital Sphere and details of a new AI-related project which would bolster the initiative.

The Government confirmed it has entered into a tender process to develop an “all-new tool to be based on artificial intelligence (AI) and on the rich resource of the Irish language”.

“Today’s other announcements regarding technology also show how important that field will be in these efforts over the coming period,” Ms Martin explained.

“I commend the Irish Language Services Advisory Committee on their work in the preparation of this National Plan and I very much look forward to its implementation across the public service from now until 2030.”

Launching the National Plan at Government Buildings, Minister of State for the Gaeltacht Thomas Byrne said: “Today’s announcements herald the beginning of a new era in the journey towards embedding high-quality bilingual public services across the public sector, in line with the rights of the citizens of Ireland under the Constitution.

“With the National Plan for Irish Language Public Services now published, it is intended that it will act as a roadmap for public bodies in terms of systematically increasing and improving the number and quality of Irish language public services, as well as increasing the number of staff who are competent in Irish.”

He added: “I am delighted that the Advisory Committee on the Irish Language in the Digital Sphere is also being established to advise and support the Department along with the sector as we aim to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that are on the horizon for the language in the digital sphere.

“I am also pleased that the ‘Ard-Intleacht na Gaeilge’ project has progressed to the point that a tender process is to be held for it. This innovative initiative is to be developed with funding from the Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform.

“With these projects we have a great opportunity to place the Irish language at centre stage regarding artificial intelligence and to develop an innovative tool from which both the public sector and the language community can benefit.

“This announcement is about all of the innovative work that is underway to normalise the language in every field, and I congratulate all of the different stakeholders involved in promoting these various projects – I applaud the work and the opportunities being seized.”