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Donald Trump retweets viral video of US mayor who forgot to switch off his mic during bathroom break

Donald Trump retweets viral video of US mayor who forgot to switch off his mic during bathroom break

DONALD TRUMP has once ended up the butt of the joke after sharing a viral video from a Texas town council meeting in which the mayor excused himself to go to the bathroom – but forgot to switch off his microphone. 

The two-minute clip came from a meeting in Georgetown, Texas, in which council member Rachael Jonrowe was left in a fit of giggles after her attempts at delivering a report on infectious diseases was hijacked by the sound of Mayor Dale Ross going to the toilet. 

Evidently a fan of a classic fart gag, President Trump retweeted a posting of the clip from fellow social media user Paul Samuel. 

It saw the clip go out to all of Trump’s 72.5 million followers on the platform. 

What the President failed to realise, however, was that the clip is actually nearly five years old, with the original fart-gate incident occurring at a meeting back in May 2015. 

What he also failed to notice was that the clip had been doctored for dramatic effect by the original tweeter, who included the sound of a wind symphony in his version as well as several crowd reaction shots which were also inserted into the action. 

To add further embarrassment, it subsequently emerged that the Samuel, the person behind the new tweet of the old clip, is both British and vehement opponent of Trump. 

The President’s decision to retweet his post may have got him a few laughs but it also ended up getting him a fair bit of negative press too with Samuel using his newfound spotlight to post a series of messages taking aim at Trump. 

It all adds up to a couple of valuable lessons. 

Firstly, be careful what you retweet. 

Secondly, always make sure your mic is turned off before using any and all bathrooms.