Crime figures in Ireland drop massively due to coronavirus lockdown measures

Crime figures in Ireland drop massively due to coronavirus lockdown measures

CRIME STATISTICS in Ireland have experienced one of the most significant drops in recorded history, thanks in no small part to the coronavirus outbreak.

Since the country went into lockdown earlier this month, criminals have been less active and fewer crimes have been reported.

The unprecedented drop in crime figures stretches across nearly every single category of offence, including burglary, sexual offences and assault.

Due to the population being told to stay indoors, social gatherings practically being banned and the high number of gardai patrolling the streets to make sure everyone adheres to the new lockdown measures, criminals have more or less been stopped in their tracks.

Senior gardai sources say that they expect figures to continue to drop week on week, as more and more officers are deployed.

It's been two weeks since Ireland went into official lockdown, and while life has become rather tricky to navigate for most of us (to say the least), it's pleasing to know that we're all generally behaving ourselves a little better.