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Court unable to ban Irish pensioner found driving mobility scooter while drunk

Court unable to ban Irish pensioner found driving mobility scooter while drunk

A COURT has been unable to impose a ban on a pensioner using his mobility scooter after police found him driving it while drunk.

Eugene Charles Brennan, 70, of Fairmount Park in Dungannon, Co, Tyrone, appeared in court today after admitting driving the scooter while under the influence of alcohol.

However the BBC reports that the judge could not apply an existing driving qualification to the scooter as the mechanically propelled vehicle doesn’t require a licence.

Mr Brennan was arrested by police in Dungannon on November 8 last year after they saw he had poor control of the vehicle and appeared intoxicated.

His breath sample returned a reading of 50mcg of alcohol, 15mcg in excess.

Mr Brennan admitted the offence and was due to be sentenced last week but did not appear.

A Bench Warrant was issued and the pensioner attended Dungannon Magistrates Court today on his mobility scooter.

Noting that Mr Brennan had a 10-year disqualification on record in relation to previous drink-driving episodes, the judge inquired if he could apply a ban on the pensioner driving the scooter.

Told he could not, the judge admitted: “The court therefore cannot stop him from repeating his offending behaviour.”

Mr Brennan was fined £200 and disqualified form driving any vehicle requiring a licence for five years.