Celtic treasures to go on display in England and Scotland

Celtic treasures to go on display in England and Scotland

A SELECTION of treasures from Britain, Ireland and further afield will go on display in England and Scotland as part of a Celtic culture exhibition.

Everything from a 1,000 year old bronze cross found in Ireland to a Danish chalice will be part of the display, which will be on show in the British Museum and the National Museums Scotland from September until January.

The museums say the aim of the exhibition is an attempt to show people that the Celts were not a single people who invaded Britain and Ireland and stayed put – Celtic people came from all over Europe, north of the Alps.

Beautiful and rare artefacts will be lent from several museums across Britain and further afield.

The items will be on display in London's British Museum from September 24 until January 31, 2016 - and will then move to the Scottish National Museum in Edinburgh from March 10 to September 25.

See pictures of some of the Celtic treasures below