Lord of the Dance
British MPs urge government to extend child abuse inquiry to North of Ireland

British MPs urge government to extend child abuse inquiry to North of Ireland

A COMMITTEE of British MPs is urging the government to extend the public inquiry into child abuse to include the North of Ireland.

In a new report issued on the British inquiry into the matter, the committee stated its belief that both the North of Ireland and Scotland should be included in proceedings.

As it stands, the inquiry is investigating abuse in children in England and Wales – but not in the North or in Scotland.

Both the North of Ireland and Scotland have separate inquiries into child abuse in their territories – as the matter falls under the remit of devolved powers.

However, the British Home Affairs Select Committee has said the inquiry should be extended to cover both countries.

“The scope of the inquiry should be extended to include cases of abuse in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where there is reason to believe that material relevant to the case might be held by the UK Government,” the report stated.

The Home Office said that the report had been noted and will be considered.