12-year-old boy calls police twice…to complain about parents making him eat salad
Food & Drink

12-year-old boy calls police twice…to complain about parents making him eat salad

'IF YOU eat your greens you'll grow up big and strong.'

Everyone will have heard the expression at some point in their lives.

But one 12-year-old boy in Canada simply wasn't having it when his parents made him eat a salad for his dinner.

His solution was a bold one: call the police. Twice.

According to NBC New York, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police received a call from the boy at around 10pm on Tuesday, June 19th, asking for help.

Then, before they could even come to his 'rescue', the boy called the emergency services again to ask when the police would be arriving and reiterate his dislike of the salad he had for dinner.

Once they arrived at the scene, the police decided to have a stern talk…with the boy, of course.

Speaking to NBC, Corporal Dal Hutchinson explained that the incident serves as a reminder to children and parents to think carefully before calling the emergency services.

"While many can relate to the dislike of a salad at times, this raises a more important issue that warrants discussion at all ages," he said.

"The improper use of 911 is an issue with all age groups and it ties up valuable resources, preventing emergency first responders from dealing with real emergencies."

Unfortunately, at the time of writing, details of what was included in the salad and what made it so repulsive to the young boy, are unknown.