Lord of the Dance
'Better4Everyone': Ireland launches official campaign for four-day working week

'Better4Everyone': Ireland launches official campaign for four-day working week

IF THERE'S one way to get Irish immigrants scattered all over the world to move back home this could well be it.

Today marks the official launch of a campaign for Ireland to implement a four-day working week.

The aptly titled '4-Day Week Ireland' is the result of efforts from Irish businesses and trade unions including Fórsa, Ireland's biggest public service union, and Galway company ICE who have already implemented a four-day week for their staff and are eager to spread the word of the benefits the shorter week has brought to the firm and to the well-being of their staff.

The campaign seeks a shorter week for staff while maintaining the rate of pay and level of output.

The launch will take place today in Dublin's Royal Irish Academy and will include international speakers whose businesses have successfully introduced four-day working arrangements, as well as contributions from speakers regarding the positive environmental impacts of a shorter week.

Today's launch will focus on discussing the myriad benefits of the shorter week, and means that Ireland will hold an official branch in the international coalition of businesses, unions and communities who are campaigning for the four-day working week.