Belfast man jailed for 'savage assault' in which he threatened to cut victim's toes off

Belfast man jailed for 'savage assault' in which he threatened to cut victim's toes off

A MAN from Belfast has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment following a 'savage assault' on two men.

Mark McKechnie punched one of his victims and hit him with a hatchet before threatening to cut his toes off.

At Downpatrick Crown Court today, he was sentenced for grievous bodily harm, common assault and false imprisonment.

The 28-year-old was convicted following an altercation at a house in Rogers Place on Wednesday, March 1, 2023.

"This was a particularly savage assault," said Detective Chief Inspector Brennan of the PSNI.

"Officers arrived at the address to discover a man bleeding heavily, he had been punched several times to his face and hit on the leg with a hatchet.

"In this sinister assault, McKechnie also threatened his victim, telling him he was going to cut [the] man's toes off.

"Another man at the address also had extensive facial injuries including a badly swollen eye socket, bleeding and heavy bruising to his face."

He added: "I hope this sentencing sends out a clear message to anyone who thinks they can get away with this type of violent crime.

"We will work tirelessly to bring offenders before the courts so that that victims receive the justice they deserve."