59 further deaths, 229 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Ireland

59 further deaths, 229 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Ireland

A FURTHER 59 people have died after contracting coronavirus in Ireland, the Department of Health have comfirmed.

Of the 59 newly reported deaths, 45 were laboratory confirmed, and bring's Ireland's total number of coronavirus-related deaths to 1,159.

May they all rest in peace.

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre report that two deaths which were reported earlier have been de-notified.

An additional 229 new cases have also been confirmed by Irish laboratories-- a drop from yesterday's figure of 386--  with a total of 19,877 confirmed cases now confirmed in the Republic.

The HSE is working rapidly to identify any close contacts the newly confirmed cases may have had, in order to advise them and further slow the spread of the virus.

There are now 19,877 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Ireland (Photograph: Sam Boal / RollingNews.ie)

As of midnight Monday 27 April, 153,054 tests have been carried out in the Republic of Ireland. Over the past week, 41,470 tests were carried out, with 5,335 giving a positive, result-- a positivity rate of 12.9%.

The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) yesterday held a meeting to determine a phased, risk-based public health approach to inform of any change to the current restricftions in place to slow the spread of the virus.

The team are continuing to monitor new figures and will advise the Minister for Health, Simon Harris, of their findings over the coming days in order for him to make recommendations to the government regarding the possible easing of restrictions on May 5.

Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, said:

"While there are many facets to Ireland’s approach to managing the impact of COVID-19, NPHET’s primary responsibility is to consider the impact on the public’s health and to advise on measures that can limit that impact.”