44 further deaths, 388 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Ireland

44 further deaths, 388 new cases of coronavirus confirmed in Ireland

A FURTHER 44 people have died after contracting coronavirus in the Republic of Ireland.

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre have confirmed that 26 women and 18 men have passed away from the virus, bringing Ireland's total number of coronavirus-related deaths to 730.

Of those who have sadly died, 37 were being treated in the east of the country, 2 in the west, 2 in the northwest and 3 in the south, with a median age of 87.

33 of the patients are reported as having had underling health conditions.

An additional 388 new cases of coronavirus have also been confirmed in the Republic, according to the Department of Health.

The new numbers brings Ireland's total number of cases to 16,040-- however the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Tony Holohan, has announced that more than half of people confirmed to have had coronavirus in the Republic of Ireland have now made a full recovery.

"An analysis of 15,186 cases reveals that 8,377 (55%) have fully recovered from COVID-19 in the community, while 856 (6%) recovered and were discharged from hospital.

“We are now in our eighth week since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in Ireland. In that space of time we, as a country, have managed to suppress the virus in our community. As we move forward we must look to protecting our vulnerable populations and maintain the progress we have made so far. There is no room for complacency.”