43 further deaths reported in highest daily increase in Ireland

43 further deaths reported in highest daily increase in Ireland

A FURTHER 43 people have died after contracting Covid-19 in what is Ireland's highest daily rise since the pandemic began.

The National Public Health Emergency Team yesterday confirmed that of the 43 people who have lost their lives, 22 men and 21 women, 27 are reported as having had underlying health conditions.

34 patients were being treated in the east of the country, four in the west and five in the south, with a median age of 84.

Their sad passing brings the total number of confirmed coronavirus-related deaths in Ireland to 486.

The Department of Health reports that one death which was earlier reported has now been discounted-- there are no further details regarding this.

Yesterday saw Northern Ireland report its highest daily rise in deaths in hospitals from Covid-19, with a further 18 people having passed away from the virus.

The island of Ireland now has a total of 644 coronavirus-related deaths.

The Republic of Ireland now has a total of 13,271 confirmed cases of Covid-19. (Coronavirus). Photograph: Sam Boal / RollingNews.ie

However, Professor Philip Nolan, Chair of NPHET Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group, says that the new model illustrated that Ireland's restrictions are "successfully suppressing the disease"-- 629 additional cases have been confirmed in Irish laboratories, with 95 reported from a backlog of cases in a German laboratory.

The combined figure of 724 is a significant drop from earlier this week, where daily confirmed cases surpassed 1,000 on Thursday.

The Republic of Ireland now has a total of 13,271 confirmed cases of Covid-19.

There are still high concerns for residents of nursing homes and residential care homes across the country, where a large number of clusters of cases have been identified.

Speaking at the daily press briefing yesterday, Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer for the Department of Health, said:

"The data clearly shows that there are two very different experiences of COVID-19 in Ireland today. In the population at large, the virus is contained and effectively suppressed.

“However, the experience of the disease in long-term residential care settings continues to be a source of concern.

“In order to protect the vulnerable the first task was to suppress the virus in the population at large. We are increasingly confident that we are achieving this. All of our efforts now need to be on extinguishing COVID-19 in our community residential settings, including nursing homes.”

Over the Easter bank holiday weekend, nine people passed away in one care home in County Laois-- with eight of those having tested positive for Covid-19.

There are now extra measures in place to protect the remaining 17 residents.