41 further deaths, 832 additional cases of Covid-19 confirmed in Ireland

41 further deaths, 832 additional cases of Covid-19 confirmed in Ireland

A FURTHER 41 people have died after contracting coronavirus in Ireland, the Department of Health have confirmed.

16 women and 25 men have died in the past 24 hours in what is Ireland's highest daily rise since the pandemic began.

Of those who have sadly died, 36 people were being treated in the east of the country, four in the west and one in the south, and have a median age of 85, according to the Department of Health.

31 are reported as having had underlying health conditions.

Their passing brings Ireland's total number of coronavirus-related deaths to 406.

The Health Surveillance Protection Centre (HSPC) have also reported an additional 832 confirmed cases: 548 reported from Irish laboratories and 284 from a backlog of cases reported from a laboratory in Germany.

These latest figures brings the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the Republic to 11,479.

The rise in cases comes from a "significantly strengthened testing capacity", according to Dr Cillian De Gascun, Chair of NPHET's Expert Advisory Group.

As of Monday, 13 April, 90,646 tests have been carried out: 62,952 in Irish laboratories and 27,684 in a laboratory in Germany.

Of the 20,468 tests carried out in the past week alone, 21% were found to be positive.

Dr De Gascun said of the figures:

"Having come through a challenging few weeks, we have significantly strengthened testing capacity and will continue to do so over the coming week, to put us in a very strong position to identify and suppress the virus.”