38 further deaths, 1,088 additional confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Ireland

38 further deaths, 1,088 additional confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Ireland

A FURTHER 38 people have died after contracting coronavirus in Ireland.

16 women and 22 men have died in a 24 hour period after being diagnosed with Covid-19, the Department of Health have confirmed.

Of those who died, 29 were being treated in the East of the country, six in the West and three in the South.

28 people are reported as having had underlying health conditions.

Their sad passing brings the total number of coronavirus-related deaths in the Republic of Ireland to 444.

The Health Surveillance Protection Centre (HSPC) have confirmed an additional 1,088 confirmed Irish coronavirus cases: 677 from Irish laboratories in the past 24 hours, and 411 from a laboratory in Germany, from a backlog of older cases.

The new figures bring Ireland's total number of coronavirus cases to 12,547.

Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, said:

"We are continuing to monitor the course of this disease across a range of indicators – not only in the number of confirmed cases and deaths reported but also through hospital and ICU admissions, clusters and patterns of transmission.

“While a number of these parameters are going in a positive direction, it is clear that we need to keep going in our efforts, on an individual level, to limit the spread of this virus.”