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11-year-old Irish girl creates her own lockdown-themed Monopoly board – and it’s brilliant

11-year-old Irish girl creates her own lockdown-themed Monopoly board – and it’s brilliant

AN 11-YEAR-OLD Irish girl has put her newfound free time to good use by designing a lockdown-themed version of the classic board game Monopoly. 

Her proud father uploaded a picture of the completed board to Reddit, where it ended up getting quite a reaction. 

Renamed “Coronaopoly” the new version of the rainy-day classic isn’t likely to be hitting the shelves anytime soon but it looks brilliant nonetheless. 

A lot of care and attention has gone into the board, which looks near-identical to the real thing, save for some notable lockdown-themed alterations. 

Most of these involve familiar items like toilet roll, soap and mask while there are a couple of squares marked “nothing to do”. 

It’s impressive to say the least, with each of the squares drawn and featuring all the familiar colours and a few nifty illustrations to boot. 

There would be plenty of buyers if it ever does make it to stores if the online reaction is anything to go by. 

11-year-old Irish girl creates her own lockdown-themed Monopoly board – and it’s brilliant.

“This is brilliant, well done! I could see this selling, Hasbro should see it,” one fan said. 

“Laughing in bed reading the stops!” another said. 

“Game design is pretty good future career choice if you want to go that way,” a third said. 

Her dad was left as proud as punch by the reaction to her efforts, returning to Reddit to thank people for their kind comments. 

“She's an absolute pet, she sees the best of any situation,” he wrote. 

“I wish I had her outlook on life!” 

That’s one way to beat the lockdown blues.