10 further deaths, 426 cases of coronavirus confirmed in Ireland

10 further deaths, 426 cases of coronavirus confirmed in Ireland

A FURTHER 10 people have died after contracting coronavirus, the Department of Health have confirmed.

At a press briefing yesterday, the National Public Health Emergency Team confirmed that a further ten people had sadly passed away, bringing Ireland's total number of coronavirus-related deaths to 1,506.

Following validation of data at the HSPC, one earlier death has been denotified: the figure of 1,506 reflects this.

May they rest in peace.

The Department fo Health have also been notified of an additional 426 confirmed cases of Covid-19 as of 6pm Thursday, 14 March.

The number is a significant rise from earlier figures this week, which were in the mid-100's, however Dr Tony Holohan has said that 223 of the confirmed cases reported today are "historical cases which have been managed clinically but only recently notified t the HSPC".

Dr Holohan assured the public that the historical cases had been dealt with accordingly by the hospital at the time.

The HSE is working rapidly to identify any close contacts the newly confirmed cases may have had, in order to advise them and further slow the spread of the virus.

Professor Philip Nolan, Chair of the NPHET Irish Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group, said yesterday that Ireland's efforts appear to be working, with numbers of both new cases and people in hospital continuing to drop.

"All indicators of the spread of COVID-19 are decreasing, including the average number of cases per day, number of people in hospital and ICU, admissions to ICU and number of reported deaths per day," he said at a press briefing yesterday.
"This is reinforced by our estimate reproduction number which is currently stable between 0.4 and 0.6. We will be monitoring this figure and the overall number of infections in the population very closely over the coming weeks."