People across the globe asked to share ‘special memories’ of time spent in Dublin
Life & Style

People across the globe asked to share ‘special memories’ of time spent in Dublin

PEOPLE across the world are being asked to share their memories of time spent in Dublin.

Lord Mayor of Dublin Emma Blain has issued the callout this week, urging those with “happy memories” of their time in the city to take part in the new Memories Made in Dublin campaign.

The initiative by the Mayor and Dublin City Council, invites people from “across Dublin City, around Ireland and all over the world to share their special memories”.

It falls within one of Ms Blain’s commitments made for her term of office to “actively engage in positive ageing planning and care for the elderly within our communities and to raise awareness of dementia in Dublin”.

Lord Mayor of Dublin Emma Blain launched the Memories Made in Dublin campaign this week

“I’ll never forget summer days spent at Pets Corner in Dublin Zoo, or the smell of the hops drifting over the city on an autumn day,” Ms Blain said as she launched the project this week.

“I can’t wait to hear and see the special ways that this city has made its mark in the hearts of Dubliners, and to share those special memories with everyone.”

A selection of the memories received will form an exhibition set to take place in Dublin in May.

Memories can be shared as a photograph, a video, a voice recording or simply as a few words.

Visit to add your memory to the 'Memories Made in Dublin City' campaign.

The closing date for entries is Friday, April 25, 2025.