Naked man claiming to be Jesus arrested after trying to start fire
Life & Style

Naked man claiming to be Jesus arrested after trying to start fire

JESUS WALKS among us - but this self-proclaimed 'Son of God' has got some explaining to do.

Indiana resident Austin Michael Johnson was arrested by police back on June 18th after he was found lying in the grass naked in the back garden of a property in Kentucky.

But that was only the tip of the iceberg.

According to a report from Kentucky New Era, the 31-year-old had allegedly spent the evening attempting to start a fire at the property.

Earlier that evening, the homeowner had found Johnson behind his residence, having already poured gasoline around the outside of the property.

Things then escalated when the 31-year-old grabbed a service wire providing electricity to one building and attempted to start the fire.

He was eventually chased off the residence, getting into a car parked outside of the house, before exiting the vehicle and heading off on foot down the road.

When police arrived on the scene, they were shocked to discover the man was lying, still naked, near the same home. Oh, and he told them he "may be Jesus".

Quite what inspired the crime spree is unclear, though Johnson was later charged with public intoxication related to non-alcoholic substances.

The 31-year-old was also charged with third-degree burglary; first-degree indecent exposure, first offense; third-degree criminal trespassing; second-degree criminal mischief and giving an officer false identifying information.

He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.