WE'VE all got our deepest fears - whether it be heights, insects or even blood.
No matter what, everyone's got their own thing they need to avoid so they don't get afraid and panic.
When you suddenly see something you don't like, the natural instinct is to run for the hills but the situation can somehow be made even worse when your reaction happens to be filmed by a family member or friend trying to embarrass you.
One woman who has been victim of this particular filming of one her lesser moments is Lorraine Walsh from Co. Kerry.
In the video, Lorraine is filmed going for the spider with a hoover nozzle, getting ready to suck up the little spider crawling around the house. What's impressive is the amount of precaution Lorraine takes to rid the vicinity of the spider. By watching the video, you can witness the blood-curdling screams that Lorraine makes any time the hoover nozzle goes near the eight-legged creature.