Lord of the Dance
Irish community webinar on initiative supporting people with dementia available to view online for free

Irish community webinar on initiative supporting people with dementia available to view online for free

A WEBINAR hosted by the Irish in Britain (IIB) organisation to provide an overview of the Herbert Protocol is now available to view for free online.

The event, which took place earlier this month, outlined how the scheme works to assist the carers and families of those who have dementia if they are reported missing.

IIB’s Cuimhne Carers Project has been working with the Metropolitan Police to encourage the use of the Herbert Protocol in the Irish community – as a scheme adopted by police forces within England and Wales to be used in the event that an adult who needs support is reported missing.

It is named after George Herbert, a war veteran of the Normandy landings, who lived with dementia. Although it is commonly associated with dementia, it can be used for other vulnerabilities.

The webinar, which took place live on December 2, included a brief outline of dementia, what happens to the person as well as how memories are stored and retrieved.

It challenged some misunderstandings and explained why people with dementia go places and get lost.

It also offers suggestions on completing the Herbert Protocol questions, so that a search can be started, and the person can be identified as soon as possible.

The webinar can be viewed here, on the Irish in Britain You Tube channel.