'I just want to let him know I'm here' – US woman's search for long lost Irish brother Sean
Life & Style

'I just want to let him know I'm here' – US woman's search for long lost Irish brother Sean

A US WOMAN has launched an appeal to find the Irish brother, born in Northern Ireland, that she never about until four years ago. 

Carrie Denae Lloyd, a 37-year-old unit coordinator for a critical care unit in an Illinois hospital, is attempting to find her father's son from his first engagement.

Her father, James Michael Lloyd, was a radioman for the US Navy while stationed in Derry, Northern Ireland, from August 1969, to April 1971.

Ms Lloyd told The Irish Post: "He was the best dad. He and my mom divorced when I was five years old and he never remarried or really ever dated again.

Mr Lloyd in his younger years. He became engaged to a Kathy from Derry, and subsequently had a son Sean

"He put me first, always. We did lots of fun things, he even volunteered with my Girl Scout Troop. He was always joking and laughing and never ever made me feel anything but loved.

"As I got older, we tended to disagree on many topics but, even when we argued it always ended with one of his bear hugs.

"When he passed I found a box containing all the cards, drawings and letters I had sent or made him through my life. He even had love letters that my mom wrote to him still. He was always just a big softy."

However, shortly before Mr Lloyd passed away, Ms Lloyd's mother asked if he had ever talked to her about 'Sean'.

"When I asked who that was she said it was my brother in Ireland. I was in utter shock. My Dad had never in my life mentioned Sean," she said.

While Ms Lloyd said she was never able to "muster up" the courage to ask about Sean, she asked about Kathy – the girl her mother had told her had been engaged to her father while he was in Derry.

"I asked about Kathy and Dad confirmed everything my mother had told me about Kathy.

"They had been engaged in Derry and she had decided she could not leave Ireland when my Dad was to be shipped out so the relationship ended.

"He then added that Kathy had married a nice man and they had several children, five I think he said.

"This seemed odd to me, how would he know this unless they had stayed in touch long after he left Ireland?" Ms Lloyd said.

However, on September 10, 2013, Mr Lloyd died suddenly alone at home of a heart attack, before his daughter could ask anymore questions about her brother.

"It broke my heart and devastated me. My youngest son was only one at the time and I hated that he would never know my Dad, his PawPaw.

Ms Lloyd and her two sons.

"When he passed and I was going through his things I hoped to find something about Sean but never did – it may have been tucked away and thrown away by accident though there was a whole house of stuff, so who knows."

While Ms Lloyd doesn't know where in Derry Kathy – thought to be short for Kathleen or Katherine – was based, she believes Sean was born in either late 1971, or early 1972, and depending on his birthdate, Sean would be between 44 and 46 years of age.

"My mother fully supports my search," said Ms Lloyd. "She truly hopes that I find him. I am doing every thing I can think of to spread the story in Ireland and welcome any help and feedback anyone can send me.

"I just want to make contact, just to let him know I am here and I want to know him and to let him know he has two nephews.

"I know he may not want to know me but I hope that he does. It would be important to at least let him know his family medical history."

Anyone who may have information which may help Carrie Denae Lloyd find her brother Sean, can email Erica at [email protected]