Fifteen pictures that will make you appreciate how beautiful Ireland is

Fifteen pictures that will make you appreciate how beautiful Ireland is

PAUL O'Hanlon first picked up a camera in 2010 and from behind the lens he began to see his country in a new light. 

"It's a bit of a cliché but I was seeing more of what Ireland had to offer and I fell in love with my home in a different way," says the landscape and seascape photographer.

"What I try to do with my photography is capture the beauty and amazing landscape that's right under people's noses. It's easy to forget about the things you see every day and feel like you have to travel far to see something amazing but Ireland is so full of wonder and beauty that you don't need to go far to see it."

Scroll down to see a gallery of Paul O'Hanlon's photos...

The 40 Foot - Dublin's popular swimming spot. The 40 Foot - Dublin's popular swimming spot.

O'Hanlon comes from Cavan but is based in South Dublin. He spends most of my time  with his camera on Irish beaches, climbing mountains, or exploring forests and lakes looking for his next great shot.

"I have a great fondness and sense of pride for both Ireland and my home county of Cavan. Ireland is well known for it's beautiful landscape and I've made it my personal mission to explore as much of it as I possibly can. The main goal of my photography is to highlight the beauty that can be found at your doorstep."

Check out 15 of Paul O'Hanlon's most incredible photographs here: