Lord of the Dance
Famous Guinness toucan poster missing one vital ingredient... gluten
Life & Style

Famous Guinness toucan poster missing one vital ingredient... gluten

GOOD things come to those who wait, claims the slogan.

However you could be waiting a long time for a pint of Guinness from this toucan.

The famous poster has been retouched by French graphic artist Arthur Coulet as part of his Gluten Free Museum project.

The museum is a Tumblr blog that features well-known artworks and scenes — minus the gluten products.

The project isn’t part of a major gluten-free drive by Coulet, merely a bit of fun for the artist to display his photo manipulation skills.

We’re not sure how fun Guinness drinkers would find an empty pint glass, but Coulet’s blog is proving popular. Below are other exhibits from the Gluten Free Museum.

d'après Tarantino d'après Tarantino

d'après Matt Groening d'après Matt Groening

d'après Willie Ronis d'après Willie Ronis