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Charlie Wilkins answers your gardening questions - Alliums, fertiliser and frogs
Life & Style

Charlie Wilkins answers your gardening questions - Alliums, fertiliser and frogs

My alliums are spectacular this year and I must have more for next year. Can they be grown from seed?

Yes, and if you study your ornamental onions you’ll see that once the blooms fade a great number of black seeds are produced.

Collect these when fully black and sow in shallow trays. From seed, alliums may take up to three years to flower.

bonemeal-n Are blood fertilisers safe to use?

Are blood and bone-meal fertilisers safe to use? I want to remain fully organic.

All material for bone-meal (also fish, blood and bone-meal) are fully organic and all go through an extremely high-temperature sterilisation process to destroy any harmful organisms.

The sterilisation of blood goes through temperatures of 180°C.

You can be sure the manufacturers have had to go through strict guidelines before being allowed put these out for sale.

frog-n What to do when frogs do a disappearing act

My garden pond was ‘alive’ with small frogs just a few weeks ago. Today, I cannot find a single frog. What has happened to them?

The young frogs are gone for summer but be quite assured that they will come back.

On the first mild and damp night in February, the entire brood will be back to where they were born.

This happens every year in ponds and waterways.