Why Belfast policeman Bobby Singleton has got people hot under the collar
Life & Style

Why Belfast policeman Bobby Singleton has got people hot under the collar

THE Police Service of Northern Ireland released a warning about drink driving – and received a very different response than anticipated. 

The PSNI posted the statement on their Facebook page about the Tennant's Vital festival's return to Belfast last week (August 24).

The statement was on behalf of Belfast's Superintendent Bobby Singleton, and he asked that attendees remember to "enjoy the music, have a good time, but most importantly, stay safe."

The statement also asked people to drink responsibly, show respect to residents and to not drink and drive.

But it wasn't Superintendent Singleton's words that got the female population of Northern Ireland talking, but rather his appearance.

Pictured in his PSNI uniform at the arena in Belfast, Supt Singleton talked to local media about the upcoming event, but many people commenting on the post were more interested in the superintendent's good looks.

On Thursday and Friday, Tennant's Vital returns to Belfast at Boucher Playing Fields, with headliners The Red Hot Chilli...

Posted by Police Service of Northern Ireland on Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The comments were nothing short of hilarious...