Lord of the Dance
This Catholic sex education video from the 80s taught Irish school girls about the birds and the bees
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This Catholic sex education video from the 80s taught Irish school girls about the birds and the bees

THE 1980s were a very different time in Ireland, as this 30-year-old Irish sex ed video shows.

Back then, contraception had only just become legal for the first time and Ireland was talking about sex for the first time.

The outright ban on condoms and the pill was lifted on November 1, 1980 but with strict rules - you needed to be married and have a prescription from your GP to buy contraceptives.

Over time, the rules were loosened and by the mid-1980s, anyone over 18 could buy contraceptives in their local pharmacy.

Puberty is always a confusing time but this lady was on hand to teach young Irish schoolgirls about the changes that will occur in their bodies and explain the birds and the bees.

After telling the viewers what they need to know, Angela says: "Now possibly you're thinking to yourself 'I'll never do that, it's awful'. Because when you hear about it first it sounds really strange. But God has made it really lovely."

The video has been viewed over 300,000 times on YouTube.

Click play to watch the video below