WATCH: This video of a Dubliner hand-rolling ice cream for a delighted crowd is a must see

WATCH: This video of a Dubliner hand-rolling ice cream for a delighted crowd is a must see

A VIDEO of an Irishman hand-rolling ice cream in Dublin has become an internet sensation. 

Dubliner Caolán Cullen has revolutionised ice cream in Ireland by implementing a method he learned in Asia.

Mr Cullen was taken in by the art form whilst travelling in Asia, but knew the taste of the ice cream could be drastically improved by using the best ingredients.

When he returned to Ireland he purchased his own cold plate - which registers at -30 degrees - and set up Artic Stone with his brother Tom.

The ice cream is poured onto the cold plate, where it is manipulated and fresh toppings are added, before it is laid out flat to freeze - with the whole process taking just two minutes.

The brothers travel around Ireland, setting up their stall at different events, to make the nation's most talked about dessert for the masses.

They can also be found at Dublin's Marlay Park on Saturdays, and the Peoples' Park on Sundays.

Read more about the brothers here.