These are six of the most iconic Irish ads to ever grace our screens

These are six of the most iconic Irish ads to ever grace our screens

USUALLY, the ad break during your favourite programme is a painful experience - but you do get the occasional gem that makes those few minutes worth it.

It's certainly an achievement to have an ad you can call 'iconic' and these ones will go down in history.

Yes, we're taking you on a trip down memory lane to remember some of Ireland's best ever advertisements from Guinness to Kerrygold Butter.

This is our pick of the best Irish ads of all time. Have we left any out?

1. Who's taking the horse to France?

Ah Kerrygold, the staple of any Irish diet growing up. But as we see in this ad, any risque flirting in an Irish household will not go unnoticed.

2. Know when not to have a break

Kit Kat's slogan of "Have a break, have a Kit Kat" is solid advice. Except maybe when you are an on-duty garda.

3. The Irish mammy homecoming

A bit more emotional, this ESB ad will ring particularly true for any Irish living abroad.

4. Good things come to those who Guinness

The marketing team at Guinness are no strangers to iconic ads, but this one took it to a whole new level.

5. "Do something Irish"

One of the best ones since the turn of the millenium, these Irish chancers' cúpla focail doesn't stretch far past 'Sharon Ní Bheoláin'.

6. "Hiya Kate? It's me, the guy from the bar"

Looks weren't enough for Kate in this Esat Digifone ad. This poor fellow's voice failed to impress.