John Lynch is a folk singer and songwriter from Dublin. He is closely inspired by his immediate surroundings. Previous release Guardians told the story of the famous chimney towers in Ringsend, Dublin

His latest EP 1922 reflects on 110 years of independence for Ireland
What are you up to?
At the moment I am promoting my new EP called 1922 due for release August 4.
From the centenary celebrations of the Irish state in 2022 I got the inspiration to write a kind of tongue in cheek reminder of how far Ireland has come from the 100 years as an independent state.
Which piece of music always sends a shiver down your spine?
Damien Dempsey —Chris & Stevie. The lyrics and emotion are just real. Damien's writing and performances are second to none in the Irish modern Folk genre.
Which musician has most influenced you?
It has to be Christy Moore. Since i was a young lad i was mesmerised at how he could tell a story through performing.
Who would be in your ideal band?
Basically everyone in KILA and Planxty
How did you get started in music?
From when I was very young there was always a singsong or party going on in a relative's house. They all played instruments and sang the old Irish ballads. As a kid I was fascinated by the shape of the guitar and how people were visibly moved by a piece of music. I knew back then — I was going to do that.
Irish roots?
I was born and grew up in Dublin. The city in the 70s, 80s and 90s was a hotbed of Irish culture.
What’s on your smartphone playlist at the minute?
Daoiri Farrell, Padraig Jack, Damien Dempsey, Finbar Fury
Pantomime or opera?
Pantomime all day long — I love a good laugh
What is your favourite place in Ireland?
The great South Wall in Poolbeg, Dublin. There is something special about walking along a pier built 200 years ago and walking 1.2 km out to sea.
What would be your motto?
"Follow your dreams" - No matter how unrealistic or unsustainable.
If you don't follow your dreams whatever you end up doing will be unrealistic and unsustainable anyway but you will have the added misery that goes with it.
If you follow your dreams you will be happy.
Mozart or Martin Hayes?
Ahhh Martin Hayes.
Which living person do you most admire?
Damien Dempsey — he followed his dreams and kept going in the face of adversity. He is a fearless warrior.
What's the best piece of advice you've been given this year?
Look after your own basic needs first before you can look after everything else.
Health is definitely your wealth.
Have you a favourite line from a song?
Billy Joel from Downeaster Alexa: "And there's no island left for islanders like me."
In terms of inanimate objects, what is your most precious possession?
My mother and father’s watch — I lost Mam and Dad in 2020
What’s the best thing about where you live?
I live in Kildare out in the countryside and I love it. Access to nature, privacy and peace.
. . . . and the worst?
Public transport - You simply need a car for everything.
What’s the greatest lesson life has taught you?
Keep doing what you are doing. Don't listen to the negatives. In fact don’t even tell people your plans until you have them completed. That way no one can talk you out of those dreams.put yourself in the way of an opportunity. Keep on moving.
What gives you the greatest laugh?
I love a good stand up, especially the observational kind like Micky Flanagan , Peter Kay, Billy Connolly
What do you believe in?
I have a little built in response to this one. I'm not religious but I am spiritual. Someone once compared this to a smoker Vs vaper and my response is:
Religion is for people who want to avoid hell and go to heaven
Being spiritual is for people who have already been to hell.
I believe in a soul and a higher consciousness. I believe that the more disconnected we become as a society the more connected digitally our assets will be and lend itself to total control. The digital connectivity that provides all our modern conveniences is also controlling what we like and consume. Very dangerous.
What do you consider the greatest work of art?
That’s a hard one - So many great works out there. I know its a cliché but Mother Nature has provided us with a spectacular canvas so my answer is: The Earth.
Who/what is the greatest love of your life?
Writing and performing music is what I am here to do. And I couldn't do that without my wife and kids