HAILING from the seaside village of Tramore in Co. Waterford. The Casanova Wave is the creative outlet of Brian McCartan. Emerging as one of Ireland’s brightest electronic acts in the Autumn of 2010, McCartan released The Casanova Wave’s debut album in 2012 and has just re-appeared on There Is A Light, an album compiled by Bluestack Records in aid of Ireland’s First Fortnight charity and with a view of tackling mental health stigma. We spent ten minutes with Brian...
What are you up to right now?
Just played the Feile na Bealtaine in Dingle; trying to find time to finish some songs for an EP.
Who are your heroes?
Mogwai, Graham Coxon, Bruce Springsteen.
What’s been the best decade of your life so far and why?
2000s. I was in my ‘20s.
What record gets you up when you’re feeling down?
Orange Juice — Rip It Up.
There Is A Light is in support of mental health awareness. Ireland should get talking about mental health because....
It’s a very real problem. It’s prevalent. Talking is a prevention, as well as a cure.
What makes you angry?
Very little makes me actually angry. Unorganised people (of which I am one).
What book influenced you most?
A Brief History Of Time by Stephen Hawking.
What was the worst moment of your life?
Lots of low points through the journey so far, none stand out as the worst.
If you could change one thing in your life, what would it be?
People’s growing contempt for the value of music.
Can you recommend an interesting website?
www.reddit.com/r/animalporn (it’s not ACTUALLY what the name suggests)
What is the best lesson life has taught you?
Rocky Balbao taught me it. “You will never hit as hard as life will hit you. But it’s not about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can GET hit, and get back up. How much you can take, and keep moving on. That’s what winning is about.”
Why did you want to be part of There is A Light?
It’s a cause that, I would imagine, has affected everybody in this country (myself included).

What is your favourite film and why?
The Back To The Future trilogy. It’s my happy place.
What do you believe in?
The World Is What You Make It.
What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?
The music of Katy Perry. And Katy Perry herself.
Who is/was the love of your life?
Currently, Katy Perry.
There Is A Light is available for £10 from www.bluestackrecords.bandcamp.com/album/there-is-a-light