Ten Mins With...Nick Danan

Ten Mins With...Nick Danan

NICK DANAN is a Belfast actor based in London.

His television credits include The Puzzle Lady  Say Nothin,  Innocent  and  WPC56 .

His theatre credits include The Lieutenant of Inishmore at the Garrick Theatre and Antony & Cleopatra at The Globe Theatre.

He is also artistic director of Strange Fish Theatre Company who specialise in staging Irish plays in the UK.

Belfast actor Nick Danan appears in St Nicholas at the Omnibus Theatre in Clapham (image by AP Wilding)

This week he took time out to tell the Irish Post about his latest project...

What are you up to?

I’m in the last week of filming a new tv show for Channel 5 called The Puzzle Lady. I’m also currently appearing in a fantastic Conor McPherson play called St Nicholas  at Omnibus Theatre, Clapham which opened just before Christmas. It runs until January 5, and is a gripping supernatural tale for the holiday season.

Which piece of music always sends a shiver down your spine?

Pale Blue Eyes by The Velvet Underground.

Which writer has most influenced you?

Probably Conor McPherson. Performing his work has given me several seminal moments in my career.

What’s on your smartphone playlist at the minute?

Lots of 70s funk, Van Morrison, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, Fleet Foxes.

Who is your favourite author?

Sebastian Barry

What’s your favourite film?

When Harry Met Sally.

What are your Irish roots?

I was born and brought up in Belfast.

What is your favorite place in Ireland?

Portnoo in Donegal.

Which book has really moved you?

The Secret Scripture by Sebastian Barry.

Which living person do you most admire?

My wife.

Which person from the past do you most admire?

Nelson Mandela.

What would be your motto?

Have humility and discipline.

Have you a favourite quote from a play you’ve taken part in?

“Good things of day begin to drop and drowse; while night’s black agents to their preys do rouse.”  (Macbeth)

What books are on your bedside table at the minute?

Red Harvest by Dashiell Hammett and A Place of Greater Safety  by Hilary Mantel.

In terms of inanimate objects, what is your most precious possession?

A painting by Margaretann Bennett.

What’s best thing about where you live?

Lots of green: woods and parks.

...and the worst?

It’s a bit of a trek to get to a decent pub.

What’s the greatest lesson life has taught you?

Being grateful for what you have instead of being upset about what you haven’t makes you so much happier.

What do you believe in?


What do you consider the greatest work of art?

The Water Lilies  paintings by Monet.

Who/what is the greatest love of your life?

My wife.

Nick Danan is appearing in St Nicholas at the Omnibus Theatre, Clapham, London until January 5, 2025 www.omnibus-clapham.org/st-nicholas/