THE Craic by the Creek festival recently held in Greater Manchester attracted some of the top names in Irish and Country music.
Originally planned to take place in 2019, the festival was delayed, and then postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and related travel restrictions.

Once it became clear that the festival could go ahead this year, ticket sales soared, and they quickly sold out.

Such was the demand for the return to live Irish and Country music, it became clear to the organisers that the festival was going to be much more than celebrating live music but also a coming out of lockdown party.

The three-day event saw artists Nathan Carter, All Folk'd Up, Lisa McHugh, Mike McGoldrick and the Joe Keegan Band take to the Big Barn Stage.

Elsewhere on the line-up Catherine McKenna, Gareth Nugent, Crossroads and Matt and Donal preformed on the Bethell Stage, giving festival goers the opportunity to get up close to the biggest names in traditional and contemporary Irish music.

Based on the success of the inaugural Craic by the Creek festival, the event has already confirmed its 2022 dates.

Craic by the Creek 2022 will take place from July 22-24.
For further information click here.