ONE Irish mammy had a 'woof' day earlier this week, when she accidentally swallowed hibiscrub for her dog, instead of cough syrup.
Helen Maxwell from Co. Tyrone mistook skin disinfectant prescribed by her pet's vet for a cough syrup mixture.
In a panic, Helen sent her daughter Ciara a text to tell her about the mix-up, but unfortunately for Helen, Ciara couldn't help but see the funny side.
"I actually can't see the screen from laughing so much!" Ciara laughed.
There wasn't much sympathy from Helen's doctor either, who told her she should drink some milk and "hopefully" she wouldn't start barking.
While Helen Maxwell hasn't taken on any canine attributes as yet, her daughter Ciara told The Irish Post, "She's barking mad with all the publicity!"
Take a look at the texts between Ciara and her Mam in the pictures below...