Lord of the Dance
Twelve of the best Growing Up Irish tweets

Twelve of the best Growing Up Irish tweets


THE hashtag Growing Up Irish has been trending on Twitter all weekend. 

It's not the first time the hashtag has proved popular, last summer it took over Twitter , as reported by The Irish Post, with thousands of tweets about the funny things that Irish people experienced growing up.

Now, nostalgia is making another comeback with Irish Twitter sharing the oddities everyone who grew up in Ireland will relate to.

Here are a few of our favourites so far:

1. A handy catch-all phrase that means absolutely nothing in medical terms

2. The cardinal sin

3. Because the dog doesn't answer back

4. Culinary delights extended beyond Tayto sandwiches...

5. When you think back, Mass is really weird

6. A haunting threat that stuck with lots of Irish children

7. Oh good God, not the wooden spoon...RUN!

8. Some good old fashioned romance

9. Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain

10. A bit of quack medicine that really took hold in Ireland

11. Pity you can't remember anything useful

12. How come NO ONE ever witnessed it?