Five of the worst Irish Halloween costumes ever

Five of the worst Irish Halloween costumes ever

Remember the good old days, when a Halloween costume meant your mum cutting two holes in a black rubbish bag and sticking a stupid conical hat on your head? 

Now dressing up for Halloween is big business, and aside from all the standard choices - ghost, zombie, vampire, corpse, sexy cat – it seems there is a niche market for 'Irish' Halloween get up.

And as Halloween is no time for subtlety, you would be correct in presuming most of them are leprechaun-based and come in an eye-searing shade of green.

Here are a five of the worst Irish Halloween costumes we've seen: 

crock of gold1. Crock of gold 

This one's a crock of something alright, but it's not gold

his n hers

2. His 'n' hers stripper

Oh look, Bradley Cooper has forgotten his shirt, and she's forgotten it was tramps and slappers theme LAST year

priest3. Pope, Bishop, Saint or some kind of priest 

This is probably best of a bad lot and in fairness there is something quite sinister about the clergy so it hits the brief

dancer4. Irish dancer

Well, on the positive side, you can be certain you won't go unnoticed in this fetching number

irish-lass-costume-large5. Tricolour

We've saved the best for last here. And my eyes are so offended I've run out of positivity so let's just say I hope this costume is flammable