Filming for Blue Lights series three gets underway in Belfast

Filming for Blue Lights series three gets underway in Belfast

FILMING has begun on series three of the award-winning police drama Blue Lights.

Set in post-Troubles Belfast, the BBC series explores the reality of life for police officers working in the PSNI.

The first series, which focused on three police recruits who faced the pressure of criminal gangs and divided communities, proved a hit with audiences when it launched on BBC One and iPlayer in 2023.

Siân Brooke returns as Grace in Blue Lights series three

The show continued to draw millions of viewers into series two, with fans now eagerly awaiting the third instalment, which will consist of six episodes.

The first three episodes will be directed by Jack Casey while Angela Griffin, of Waterloo Road, fame, will direct the last three episodes.

This week the BBC revealed that the show’s stars are currently on location in Belfast filming the new series, which includes actors Cathy Tyson and Michael Smiley as newcomers to the cast.

Elsewhere Siân Brooke returns as Grace, Martin McCann is back as Stevie and Katherine Devlin and Nathan Braniff are back as Annie and Tommy.

Cathy Tyson (Pic: Jennie Scott) and Michael Smiley (Pic: Harmit Kambo) have joined the cast

The drama returns as Grace, Annie and Tommy are accustomed to life under the blue lights after two years working as response officers.

But their work takes them into a more sinister world in series three, hidden behind the veneer of middle-class life.

“For us, the joy of making Blue Lights is spending time with the characters and watching them grow, learn, and deal with the daily adversity of response policing in Belfast,” Declan Lawn and Adam Patterson, co-creators and executive producers of the show, said this week.

“At its heart, this is a show about personal, institutional and social change, and we want each series to reflect that in its own way," they add.

“We can’t imagine better custodians of our creative vision than our brilliant series three directors Jack Casey and Angela Griffin. It’s a privilege, as ever, to be back in Blackthorn.”