Derry Girls is teaching Netflix users all about Ireland’s love of the ‘Rock the Boat’ dance

Derry Girls is teaching Netflix users all about Ireland’s love of the ‘Rock the Boat’ dance

DERRY GIRLS has been offering Netflix users a unique glimpse into Irish culture ever since it arrived on the streaming platform.

The critically-acclaimed comedy series about a group of schoolgirls living in Derry in the 1990s during The Troubles has become nothing short of a global phenomenon.

The arrival of the show’s second series provided further proof of that, with fans all over the world logging on to binge-watch the second batch of episodes.

Not that it’s been entirely plain sailing for fans from abroad.

For starters there was the issue of accents which, as unbelievable as it sounds, forced some to turn the subtitles on in a bid to keep up on what was going on.

Thankfully the majority managed to see the funny side throughout all of this.

Since then the show has continued to baffle and delight Netflix audiences, not least when it came to an unfamiliar bit of Irish culture practiced at parties and social gatherings for decades.

It came during the fourth episode from the second season titled “The Curse” which sees the gang causing uproar at a family wedding with comedic results.

The episode’s particular highlight comes when the gang partake in the “Rock the Boat” dance to the dulcet tones of the Hues Corporation hit of the same name.

Much like Whigfield’s “Saturday Night” or the Los Del Rio hit “Macarena” the “Rock The Boat” dance has been a staple of many an occasion in Ireland.

It involves a group of partygoers sitting on the floor in row, swinging their arms back and forth while clapping to the beat.

What most probably didn’t realise, however, was that this is a distinctly Irish practice.

Writing on Twitter, one fan asked: "Is the 'Rock the Boat' dance really a thing????"

Another wrote: “Dear #irish people from the internet, is the choreography of “Rock the boat” where people sit on the floor from #DerryGirls a real thing? I NEED TO KNOW”

“Wait... it isn’t... international...?” an Irish Twitter user replied.

“Does every peoples not do it?” a second asked.

The realisation soon began to kick in.

“I’m feeling incredibly embarrassed now for all of Ireland for some reason lol. I had no idea we owned this and now that I think about it, it’s the weirdest tradition,” one Irish social media user reflected.

It wasn’t long before others were sharing photographic evidence of Ireland’s obsession with the dance – including one rather bold World Record attempt.

There really was no end to Ireland’s love of the song, as one Irish fan happily recalled.

“I had a friend in school who would drop to the floor no matter where she heard the song. On a public bus, in the middle of a shop. It's a wedding classic for some reason,” they said.

An essential part of any great social gathering, the hope now is that Netflix users the world over will begin spreading the good word of the Hues Corporation.