Lord of the Dance
Fifteen of the best Irish insults and putdowns you'll ever hear

Fifteen of the best Irish insults and putdowns you'll ever hear

Short and not sweet 

1. Weapon – someone with a sharp tongue and a bad attitude, NOT to be trifled with

2. Jade – basically a saucy cow. If you don't know what that means I can't help you

3. Dose – pain in the behind. Can be a person or thing (work's a dose/he's a dose)

4. Eejit – twit, messer. Being called an eejit is bad, but nothing to cry over ya big eejit

5. Langer – idiot, tosser. Unlike eejit, being called a langer is cause for concern

6. Wagon – usually a grumpy, moody, cantankerous person.  Steer clear

7. Ghoul – moron. Can be souped up to ghoul-bag if you really want to insult

Take you down a peg or two 

8. Septic – someone affected, insincere who loves themselves (the worst offense)

9. Notions – see above. Someone who has grand ideas about themselves

10. He could peel an orange in his pocket – for your friend who never buys a round

'A face like a...' insults 

11. A face like a bag full of mickeys – rude but funny

12. A face like a slapped arse – referring to a person with a sour expression

13. A face only his mother could love – so ugly only mammy can see the attraction

Acting the...

14. Acting the bollix – being a belligerent, difficult, badly-behaved person

15. Acting the maggot – being naughty or troublesome

Have we left out your favourite Irish insult? Tell us about it on Facebook, Twitter or in the comments section below