LED by the wonderful steps and sounds of the Coventry Standard Triumph Pipe Band, the annual St Patrick’s Parade returned to Leicester this month.

Boasting Irish culture, heritage and plenty of colour, the procession made its way into the city’s medieval market square - now called Jubilee Square.

Following brief speeches of welcome and words of affirmation from the Irish Embassy in London’s representative Seán Connolly, there were displays of Irish Dancing from the Shaun Burden School of Irish Dancing.

Traditional music followed and throughout the crowds you could hear the resounding message 'it is great to be back'.

Many a Ukrainian flag fluttered alongside the tricolour on the day, in a show of solidarity with the under-siege nation.

More Irish entertainment followed the parade festivities at the spacious Oddfellows Club.

The successful event was organised by the team at the Emerald Centre, who coordinated a wonderful day of celebrations.