Majority of Irish people want to return to the workplace, survey shows

Majority of Irish people want to return to the workplace, survey shows

A NEW STUDY indicates that the majority of Irish people would prefer to return to the workplace rather than continue working from home.

Research carried out by recruitment site shows that nearly 60% of Irish employees said they would prefer to go back into their offices and places of work should the opportunity arise.

The study also found that nearly half of those surveyed (49%) said that wanted the option to have a mixture of working from home and going into their workplace going forward.

The recruitment site surveyed 3,800 of its users in July and August.

According to results, 35% of workers are least looking forward to returning to their usual daily commute, while 13% say they're not looking forward to taking public transport again.

The research also revealed that some 60% of respondents have been told that they must return to their workplace once it reopens.

"For many businesses in Ireland, Covid-19 has made working from home the new normal - even for those who didn't think it would be possible," said general manager of Christopher Paye.

The majority of offices and workspaces in Ireland closed in mid-March due to the coronavirus pandemic and have remained mostly shut ever since.

Businesses have been forced to adapt to their employees working from home, a change that has suited some and failed to suit others.